viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Blog # 7 - What’s happening?

Immigrant Caravan

BONUS: Information based By Kirk Semple and Elisabeth Malki. from New York Times. New Migrant Caravans Trek North, Ignoring Political Repercussions.   Oct. 31, 2018  which gave information about the reasons of the exagerade scaravans.
The objective of the articly is be informative, because explain why is the motive of the march and the differents reactions about this exile. Also, give to us a general idea about how is the world around us.  The messege in thys artical has been exposed with a neutral. 

A mass of immigrants was formed in Honduras October 12 - 2018 by hundreds of people who passing through Guatemala and El Salvador. They made the number grow to thousands on the way to the United States. Moreover The Mexican government encouraged the first caravans to stay and support them. Hence the success of the first group encourage two more groups, now are three caravans on the way.  Especially these thousands of people have walked for weeks endured by reason of different expectations. First, is they are trying to escape to the political repression - In the elections of 2017 Honduras passed through an imposed the president election which has put the country in a high pressure.- Next, the high number of poverty registered in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala  immigrant in the Homeland Security said: "Also points to poor economies as another factor pushing children north to the U.S. Overall, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are among the poorest nations in Latin America with 30%, 26%, and 17% of their people living on less than $2 a day, according to the World Bank.”  July 1, 2014, (By Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, Jens Manuel Krogstad  and Mark Hugo Lopez. DHS: Violence, povertyare driving children to flee Central America to U.S.  ) This is one of the common characteristics in between this countries the poverty is high as well as delinquency and violence. Also the spectacle of the thousands of immigrants achieve been notice and they hope been help. Consequently, the reaction of the people is two different directions about the huge caravan. At the beginning they were accepted and received help. But the next two have been reprehensible and denied cross-border. Given this points is for keep in mind what happens in third world countries, and the reason why the numbers of immigrant are growing immensely. The important to talk about the actions are effects of a deep background. Therefore the immigration issue has different debatable points that are important in our social development and how it affects all kinds of social and political level. Is important understand what happen  in these underdeveloped countries or countries that cannot sustain themselves by their own gross domestic product if not by other first world countries. In the case of Central America, the countries are totally dependent on the United States. Finally, the consequences of political repression, lack of education and immense levels of train poverty result in immigration. Because people make decisions like immigrant without importing some kind of consequence or risk that this immense migration can cause. That is the reason why is important argue and learn about this events. 

3 comentarios:

  1. It is all about greedy people who have a high position in their work for example, instead of taking the taxes and make their country a better country they take taxes and put it in their pocket.

  2. It all about greedy people that's also have high position their work. And instead they have us paying taxes. And some people that's not from here to have better jobs.

  3. The picture blow me away. So many people!


blog 10

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