viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

blog 10


This semester 2019 I learned to develop academically in my English. As well, in developing myself more desirable in any other class I can take in the future. Firstly, my READ class has helped me to understand when I read and to be precise in what I write. As well as, to identify the mean ideas of a paragraph or an essay. I can use strategies of great importance anywhere I study even to understand a paragraph in mathematics. Creating a document makes it easier for me if I apply what I have learned in classes (to what I will call learning strategies.) as an example, PIE, outline, and maps. Another, I did not understand how to write at the beginning of the semester. But now I can see how I improve my essays. Second, in my EDUC class I learned to learn from myself to stay successful in any area of ​​my life. As well as, I responsible for everything that happens in my life. However, know how to identify when external situations affect me. An excellent strategy that I learned has been using a double line page to make a summary, this is easy to use and effective and that is the reason why I used for my last two READ exams.
I learned to develop two personal skills that have not been easy to handle, but that are important for solving problems and that define me as a person. One is the ability to work as a team. This semester I worked, and I learned to relate with more classmates to work together or to simply ask us about the classes or something that has not been entirely clear to me. It has helped me to trust more in myself and in my work. That is why it is pleasing to help others if is in my capacity to do so. I learn different strategies that are effective for others that could probably be of benefit to me. Teach to accept others with their differences, collaborate with each other. Putting rules in a team also helped me to develop excellent in a group. The next is the ability to make decisions. This was one of the most difficult, specifically when saying no. But, prioritizing myself is totally right that is why I have to say no sometimes. Another is I put my schedule at work and even the one who initially opposed it now give to me a schedule and marvelous in class for that reason. Therefore, learning to prioritize makes I take better decisions that are reflected in my grades and make me feel less stressed. Also, learn what is best for a group, based on reasoning. Accordingly, I still have more to learn about these classes. Moreover, I am satisfied with how this semester has been, regardless of the possible obstacles and knowing how to live with others and work with them without forgetting my priorities and my own importance will bring me to success.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Blog #9

   Breast Cancer

          Identifying and preventing any type of disease is important and should be paramount for people. Thousands of women and men die from cancer annually. Therefore, it is a reality that all people are risk of going through. Breast cancer is one of the most common type. Which is why it is important to help each other and share information about the preventing it. The informative document are to provided online details about what breast cancer is.
 America Cancer Society is one organization that gives information about what breast cancer is and how to identify it. While reading the website I learned about my own body and why it is important to be constantly aware of personal changes. Also, I learned where and how find help. Furthermore,  I  learned that if it is not treated in time it can evolve and be much more complicated to cure.
The website describes breast cancer as “ When the cells grow without control and invade the tissues by different parts of the body.” This is also called metastasis. Note that breast cancer happens to women but can also happen to men. Breast cancer has a process When it forms.  First of all, breast cancer begins in different parts of the breast. For example, the two most common parts are the milk ducts and the glands that make the milk. Second, other cancers can start forming in the tissue breast.  Many cancers can be found on screening mammograms and look like lumps. However, not all lumps are cancer. But they usually have a higher risk of cancer. The reason why it is important to check each lumps is for determine if they are malignant or benignant.  In addition, in the website informs how the breast cancer could spread like “When the cancer cells get into the blood or lymph system and are carried to other parts of the body.” To demonstrate the network of lymphatic vessels connects the lymph nodes. Which contains a liquid called lymph. After, travels through the vessels outside the breast. Then the carcinogenic cells enter the ganglia and begin to grow. Which can drain, consequently make metastasis. However, not all the body made metastasis.
          The document is informative and objective. Because explain details about what is cancer. Such as all, the information provided can be verified. At the same time is true for all. Also, do not have tone and interpretation of the main idea.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 8 .

The Music And The Brain 

I realized that when I am studying it is easy to become distracted. Then I put on music (just the sound) and it makes it much easier for me to concentrate. Even so, I have never believed that it is the best way to study or the best way to concentrate. But, in some moments I need to focus the students mind on something a little out of the ordinary. Later on, to meet different people, I have realized that it is common to see this characteristic of the students.  For that reason, it intrigues me to know how music works in the mind.
The article "This is your brain on music" By Elizabeth Landau, on the news CNN is about Knowing the positive benefits of the music as the persons reacts to it, based on small studies that prove how music and the mind communicate, thus creating and incredible relationship with each other. Also, the important to identify how the music works on the people brain. As well as, the different reactions people have without accounting. Now, Scientifics have new challenges to learn about the functions of the brain because many of the reactions are not discovery yet.
Music is use to understand the brain based on the following reasons. First fact that is music produces less anxiety and less cortisol - Help to reduce stress and glucose concentration and how it can be for medicine-.  For example, music helps as a treatment for people with mental disorders or diseases of the mind. The Second understand is people with similar taste have common experiences in their past. For instant, Is a tendency prefers listen an stile of music familiar to someone. The third, as all know, music really produce pleasure. Elizabeth Landau Said “For instance, dopamine helps increase attention in the frontal lobes. But, in the limbic system it is associated with pleasure.” This is the reason why the people enjoy and love music. 
This document is informative because tells us  the benefits of the music, and the different experiments to understand how the brain work. For example, Landau said “It seems intuitive that different people, based on their personalities, preferences and personal histories of listening to particular music, will have different experiences when exposed to a particular piece of music.”  The music is not also an option just because yes, is a deep understand about the past and the experience of one person have done. And that terminate the reason of why the persons like the song. Moreover, Lavitin said “By using music as a window into the function of a healthy brain, researchers may gain insights into a slew of neurological and psychiatric problems” The music relax and give satisfactions, that’s why is usually used to treatment, depend of the reason of the health problem. The last one, “Another brain area called the superior temporal gyrus is intimately involved in the experience of music, and its connection to the nucleus accumbens is important. She said, the genres of music that a person listens to over a lifetime impact how the superior temporal gyrus is formed.” That is how the persons accumulate their self - pleasures in the brain.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Blog # 7 - What’s happening?

Immigrant Caravan

BONUS: Information based By Kirk Semple and Elisabeth Malki. from New York Times. New Migrant Caravans Trek North, Ignoring Political Repercussions.   Oct. 31, 2018  which gave information about the reasons of the exagerade scaravans.
The objective of the articly is be informative, because explain why is the motive of the march and the differents reactions about this exile. Also, give to us a general idea about how is the world around us.  The messege in thys artical has been exposed with a neutral. 

A mass of immigrants was formed in Honduras October 12 - 2018 by hundreds of people who passing through Guatemala and El Salvador. They made the number grow to thousands on the way to the United States. Moreover The Mexican government encouraged the first caravans to stay and support them. Hence the success of the first group encourage two more groups, now are three caravans on the way.  Especially these thousands of people have walked for weeks endured by reason of different expectations. First, is they are trying to escape to the political repression - In the elections of 2017 Honduras passed through an imposed the president election which has put the country in a high pressure.- Next, the high number of poverty registered in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala  immigrant in the Homeland Security said: "Also points to poor economies as another factor pushing children north to the U.S. Overall, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are among the poorest nations in Latin America with 30%, 26%, and 17% of their people living on less than $2 a day, according to the World Bank.”  July 1, 2014, (By Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, Jens Manuel Krogstad  and Mark Hugo Lopez. DHS: Violence, povertyare driving children to flee Central America to U.S.  ) This is one of the common characteristics in between this countries the poverty is high as well as delinquency and violence. Also the spectacle of the thousands of immigrants achieve been notice and they hope been help. Consequently, the reaction of the people is two different directions about the huge caravan. At the beginning they were accepted and received help. But the next two have been reprehensible and denied cross-border. Given this points is for keep in mind what happens in third world countries, and the reason why the numbers of immigrant are growing immensely. The important to talk about the actions are effects of a deep background. Therefore the immigration issue has different debatable points that are important in our social development and how it affects all kinds of social and political level. Is important understand what happen  in these underdeveloped countries or countries that cannot sustain themselves by their own gross domestic product if not by other first world countries. In the case of Central America, the countries are totally dependent on the United States. Finally, the consequences of political repression, lack of education and immense levels of train poverty result in immigration. Because people make decisions like immigrant without importing some kind of consequence or risk that this immense migration can cause. That is the reason why is important argue and learn about this events. 

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018


When Maria Cardenas said, “Stand on their own two feet” is because she gives support and attention to her students to live stronger and overcome trials in life despite hardships. According to Maria “But unlike me, they do not sit in the back of the classroom, scared and ignored. Unlike me, they do not hear that they will never do more than travel the country picking crops. They are growing up knowing that, like their teacher, they can stand on their two feet.” For instance, the students do not live what Maria lived, But now she encourage them to persist in their dreams no matter the adversity. Hence each child need emotional security, someone who trust them and encourages them to fulfill their goals.

I grew up very close to my family, thinking that the world was small and easy to handle, unlike when I came to the United States the protection I had in my family disappeared. Also new challenges like the college, because I did not understand the language. But live in a new family it is complicated; As well as understand new ideologies and different customs. Finally work because I had never worked, and I did not know how to defend myself or just take small breaks to drink water. Definitely worth it because I am learning a language so I have new opportunities and more likely to meet my goals. Next, learn from others as I am learning from each member of my family, get used to their ways of acting and thinking. I have met people and friends at work who have taught me many things such as taking breaks as a leader starting by guiding myself. This brings me to appreciate the value of every detail in life, such as friends, family, work, school each with its own difficulties. I feel satisfice, because I am still learning English and I never want to stop learning, and to show others that I can really stay in the college and working at the same time I am a living example that if you can still not have the sufficient resources economic to pay, but with effort is possible. Finally my family supported me and I feel better every time in the United States, although I still miss another part of the family in El Salvador. I have new friends and that makes me understand many morphs of acting and different ways of relating to each other. Again it is important to overcome each difficulty and have the support of someone important, when it is most needed, to be strong and move on.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


The video have different opinions with one same point about the internet and how this affect the society. Also the experienced professionals, and recognized for having worked among the most famous internet companies. The testimonies, and the reflection about the use of social networks is very important and has to be treated with great precision. This video emphasizes the addiction problems caused by the misuse of social media and why it is difficult to evade them.

The video “The twister true” by Steven Bartlett. Awareness about the addiction to social media is slowly destroying the fabric of the society. Steven Kotler (Author and Co-founder of flow Genome project) said: “That´s and an addictive behavior and it´s dopamine that is driving that addiction.” For instance the social media effect and interferes the most important aspect in our life without the realizing. Thus the pleasure and comfortable feelings what the social media produce that sometimes leads to uncontrolled use.

The programmers have designed tools for access, share and hole personal information for grab the receiver attention and how addiction of social media is slowly destroying the fabric of society. Such as Chamath Palihatiya said. “I don´t have a good solution you know my solution is just don´t use these tools anymore. I have it for year’s it´s created huge tension with my friend’s huge tension in my social circle…” Chamath Palihatiya is ex- programmer of Facebook, CEO funded of Social Capita, also member and property of Golden State Warriors, and Technology Health Care education. Made emphasis in that Social Media affect the connectivity between the personal behavior and the rest of the world. Also Social Media influence performance and Goals.

The slowly destruction of the society is the attractive world of the network which capture our attention and the problem of the limited use limit. Steven Kottler said: “You know essentially putting highly addictive drugs into hands of kids before then any natural defenses.” Irresponsibility and comfortability that´s easy to find on social media. But this bring with it a broad and dangerous effects. There should be a limit about how can connect to the technology, because the internet is so delicious that is easy forgot the broad and risk.

The addiction to social media is slowly destroying the fabric of the society. Learn how to use social media properly and raise awareness about use of social media. In particular I see the unreality in social media. Some people use this for work and that´s appropriate. But if we try to solve our feelings and reactions to these media in a new way good result going to be reflect. The representation about our life in social media has no value.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018


Between Four Weeks

By Ingrid Berenice Arevalo Aguilar

The last four weeks have been a new challenge and brought with it numerous important decisions. In the beginning I felt afraid of taking the READ class, but now I see it as a new worthwhile challenge. I feared the READ class because English is not my first language and I do not often read in English. While mathematics requires patience and dedication, my fear about MATH was not the same as in READ. However, I always found an excellent motivation and determination to do my best. No matter what happens around me, even if I did not know how. To paraphrase what the professor Kevin stills said. "That in order to become good at something we have to practice."  For instance, that practice will be part of a new learning process rather than just passing the classes.

The troublesome of adaptation at the beginning of the semester started because of work forty hours at Chick Fil A, which frustrated me. For that reason, I fought for several weeks to reach a more flexible work schedule. Therefore, studying made me felt enthusiastic, but I reached a time when my grades went down. The time to tried new strategies has begun. I know that an adequate method to be sure in classes is striving for A´s. But how to achieve this if you do not understand the classes? I understood studying means sacrificing comfort and those changes are a positive reflection academically. Having new methods of study and solving problems helps me work towards goals in a better way.

I know that with the help of God the most difficult challenges can be achieved. And God gives special people to help like my parents because, even though I cannot receive too much financial help. They can do what is in their hands. And I appreciate that.

Contrary to all this. I attend less to church. Eventually, that leads me to listen to online sermons, searching for new solutions and to identify my problems. Concurrently new challenge lead me to implement new strategies.

Readings becomes less difficult and much easier to understand because. As a result, the effort is always worth it. I want in the next few weeks to implement the following: although much adapt my work schedule in less hours, make time to study in campus facilities, write more to improve my writing, and seek help whenever I need. Math and Read classes have become a challenge that excites me to see my efforts reflected in the next months. As I have well as achieved in the last four weeks. 

The effort of each day rewarded in our achievements. In conclusion, try to reach excellent grades, and a motivation. Staff to achieve goals are struggles that I  has to learn to confront. Now, fear for the READ class has become a considerable satisfaction, because I  can see my achievements. 

blog 10

Metacognitive  This semester 2019 I learned to develop academically in my English. As well, in developing myself more desirable in any ...